Finishing Projects: Prioritizing, Decluttering, Doing

We all have them. Intentions, visions, projects we've yet to get to... Could be boxes of photos to scan, that table we want to refinish, piles and piles of scrapbooking supplies we've yet to utilize, note cards we'd like to send, scraps of wood we'd like to make shelves with, or any myriad of things.

This is what one of mine looked like for a while. I wanted to put this plant in a pot that I loved, one that I'd really enjoy in my space. It sat like this in my room for a good month before I got around to actually doing it.

This is what one of mine looked like for a while. I wanted to put this plant in a pot that I loved, one that I'd really enjoy in my space. It sat like this in my room for a good month before I got around to actually doing it.

Refining Intentions

How do we determine what we will actually do, when we will follow through, and which are the things that we need to abandon and release (or at least put out of the way)? Here are some questions to consider:

  • Is it a priority?

  • Will it enrich and make my life better if I do it?

  • Will it get me closer to living the kind of life I want to live?

  • When will I, realistically, get to it?

  • Is it taking up valuable physical, mental, or emotional space waiting to get done?

Be honest with yourself. 

Plan of Action

If you definitely still want to do the thing, give yourself a deadline, make time to do it, and add it as a to-do on your calendar. It might also help to put related items in a location that will remind you to follow through.

If you're not quite feeling motivated to commit to a date and time for getting it done, but still want very much to do the thing someday, get the related items out of your daily physical and mental space (move to the attic, upper shelves, shed, garage, or any other space you don't access often) to make room for the things you do want to prioritize focusing on now.

For those things you've accepted you will never do, sell related items on Craigslist, give away, throw away, or recycle. Your physical and mental space is too precious to keep things around that you will never actually get to. Again, be honest with yourself. 

And celebrate those projects that, when done, make your life even a little bit better. Even if it's just writing a thank you letter once a month (actually using those thank you notes we've saved for years), enjoying those bath salts we got for Christmas, or potting a plant for your room.

I did actually follow through with repotting my plant, after a month of it staring at me in it's precarious little tower. I am very happy with the outcome. Yay for live decor and lovely containers! It looks like my next to-do may involve a larger po…

I did actually follow through with repotting my plant, after a month of it staring at me in it's precarious little tower. I am very happy with the outcome. Yay for live decor and lovely containers! It looks like my next to-do may involve a larger pot...